Mateo Laiño
Mateo Laiño
Is not a bug. Images are not longer loaded through the Sample
Use the admin panel (one by one) or try to implement your own images importer.
Try adding to your .gemspec file: spec.add_dependency "active_storage_validations" Then: require "active_storage_validations"
I also have this problem. Is like jrealpe said, deleting { controlNav: "thumbnails" } from flexslider the error disapear.
You must log in as vendor and create your own shipping methods in the backend.
Hi. I've made some modifications in the gem to work with rails 5.1 and spree 3.4.4. You could find them in v1-0-0. Let me know if it is useful...
Hi Darren and Brand. I don't know if I'm going to need to work with spree-marketplace in the near future. I let you know if I do it. Regarding the...
Hello. I have this issue too. I think it could be a better solution: retrieving the first stored image for this variant. (Not the master image and without resizing the...