
Results 4 comments of Johannes

It's 2021 now and still not fixed. I emailed the Tidal team again but got an half arsed reply, that they will look into it. Well I'm just gonna cancel...

No just checked, even if loudness normalization is disabled the issue still occurs. Back to Spotify I guess...

If I modify the autoloader with the following, it somehow works ``` if (file_exists(__DIR__ . '/classes/' . $className . '.php')) { include_once __DIR__ . '/classes/' . $className . '.php'; }...

I tried running your fork, however I get the following error ``` leaflet-src.js:1764 Uncaught TypeError: Cannot read properties of null (reading 'lat') at Object.project (leaflet-src.js:1764:1) at Object.latLngToPoint (leaflet-src.js:1601:1) at NewClass.project...