Here you go: it is in the examples :)
indeed had errors from version 15,16 and up my node-version : 14.18.2, using NVM for it, switched using "nvm use 14" solution worked for me too and installing node-sass in...
I can confirm I have the same problems on 4.24 everything lower I do have Unreal.Js working and it's really awesome! It's just that I wan't to try out Megascans...
the Marketplace install is not working for me on 4.24.3 nothing happens clicking on install to engine other plugins install fine
was not aware of lazy_ctor thanks @keicoon!
The install to engine doesn't trigger the install through the Epic Games Launcher app.
I will dive in to this as well thanks @thejustinwalsh for your input. Do you have any luck running this in 4.25?
I got this to work as well very cool! Didn't even think about possibilities with tensorflow etc cool stuff! I hope to share some cool stuff soon.
could be a bug. Can you please tell which version you are using?
noticed some side effects too. require that is not working after making a change for example