Matthieu Talbot

Results 35 comments of Matthieu Talbot

Intéressé par l’intégration dans `z=` de la correction proposée par grammalect si possible.

I don’t know how they do it, but you can do "custom patch" of commits that you have already done.

@krobelus Thank you very much, I never heard of `git revise` before, will definitely try to use it !

Dear Sir @secretGeek and @doekman , I just installed the magic script again to a new ubuntu partition, and it got even better with command naming, comment alignments, and autocomplete....

One variant of this feature is to not close the REPL at the end of execution. With that variant, code execution might be akin to Jupyter notebooks. I tried to...

For the record, this it still an issue today. Is this package used by anyone?

Installing with `pip3` directly from git+https... also works! Now, I need to figure out how to feed data and use it.

Same issue here XCODE Version 6.0.1 (6A317) OSX 10.9.5

@pobmob to run locally, you have to specify the `--models-path` ``` ./local_ai --models-path models/ ``` or change directory to /models before running: ``` cd models ../local_ai ```