Matthieu Talbot

Results 35 comments of Matthieu Talbot

Same issue with 2 workspace. Will reduce to one and see if it's painful or not.

I can reproduce with only one workspace by minimizing one of the windows (ALT+F9 on xubuntu). That means I cannot use zentile at all.

Dear znc maintainers (gentle ping @DarthGandalf ), I tried to explore the code a bit, and found some places: * user's nickname and ident: * server's nickname, alt.nickname, ident...

Hello, I think I have the same issue. When I try to duplicate an event in another calendar, the "save" button does nothing. If I open the console, I can...

Did you try this already in you` .tmux.conf` file ?  ``` # address vim mode switching delay ( set -sg escape-time 0 ```

Hello, Yesterday I tried to build it on mingw and spent so many times before realising that task is available for mingw already `pacman -S task`. Then I tried to...

A workaround is to access those local html files via a local webserver. (from ) Life would be a bit easier without having to do so.

Maybe indicate that changes are pending and a buffer load is necessary (like when task need syncing it nags you to sync) ? And/or make it configurable (off by default)?

Ok! How would you test that a line contains a task ? testing that it starts with "any number of space, dash, space, opening bracket" ? --- Matthieu TALBOT [email protected]...

@tbabej Hey, did not take the time to follow up with the PR, sorry. I just got used to replace the space with an X and save the buffer instead.