The reason you are getting that message is probably that the drive you have mounted, i.e. /media/Data4TB01/ does not have executable permission. Remount the partition with executable permission as explained...
Hi @lsj910128 , have you solved this? I'm trying to do the same but cannot figure out how to do it. This is my prototxt file, note that I added...
Thanks for your reply @nqanh. I thought it might be the case that I would have to divide by the number of pixels (i.e. 244^2) as that also is in...
Thanks for your comments @nqanh. I think I fixed the ground truth map classes in the BinaryMaskLayer python layer I described above. This gives me a loss in the order...
Thanks guys! I did as @lsj910128 proposed and changed the `lib/rpn/` to force the values to be integers. After modifying this, the training script worked! This is the summary of...
This is also the case for Affordance Net. There under `./tools/` the line `cfg.GPU_ID = args.gpu_id` has to be added.