FastMaskRCNN copied to clipboard failed to map segment from shared object
I always got below error when I ran python train/
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "train/", line 21, in
I have completed how-to step 1-4 but I install coco API to my system instead of local because I always got below error message and I could not run
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 10, in
So, I install coco API to my system after then I could convert the data and complete step 3, 4. Then, I ran python train/
I got the above error: ImportError: train/../libs/boxes/ failed to map segment from shared object.
The reason you are getting that message is probably that the drive you have mounted, i.e. /media/Data4TB01/ does not have executable permission. Remount the partition with executable permission as explained in:
If you mount the drive with fstab, see:
@MartinPlantinga Thank! it was my bad. I could not find it out by myself.