Marcos Oliveira
Marcos Oliveira
> SSAA also breaks some effects too, in case u guys didn't know. Raindrops go back to being black, and Bloom gets more excessive. Probably depth of field too. Keep...
> edit: i also think the light flickering is not a bug, rather an artistic decision to show how bad the lights there are :D I agree, I think those...
The game has no mouse smoothing as far as I can tell. What it does have is frame rate dependent mouse input which essentially acts as negative mouse acceleration when...
> I don't necessarily know if the mouse input itself is frame-dependent. The mouse input itself does follow the same logic that joysticks do in the aspect that: > >...
Here it runs in exclusive fullscreen with or without vsync just fine. Actually most games from that era run in exclusive fullscreen and don't even have a borderless mode, so...
@TheRealDadbeard I don't remember having tearing in any combination i've tested (default 30fps or 60fps through the silentpatch cap with RTSS/V-Sync on top of it). Though as i said only...
The problem is still present under DXVK 1.9.3. Curiously, the Rockstar and ReShade overlays don't seem to cause issues.
Why isn't this fix in DXVK already? Considering it had a new release about a month ago and the issue has been here for months now. Not complaining just wondering.