Mario Parreño
Mario Parreño
The software is amazing!! A brush could speed up the segmentation in a lot of problems, waiting for it! Thanks again
Do you suggest then change outputs to output?
Heyo! I am trying to send a custom SPL token I want to distribute to my holders. This is my code: ```python from solana.publickey import PublicKey from solana.account import Account...
Hey @spkompella I am facing the same problem. Do you have any new way to solve it?
Thanks Jackie! I thought that after send you the email. I thought that... I have a siamese getting great results, I could try to boost the results getting from the...
Hey Jackie thanks! Its for a university competition :) I have a training set and a test set where test are only individual pictures (I dont know if are 1,...
@cogoo can you help?