Marc Magnin
Marc Magnin
## Description Cancelling a request with the AbortController doesn't seems to cancel the request context. Details about the AbortController: ## How to reproduce Query an endpoint via javascript while...
It would be nice to be able to use the broker as a dep as well. I'll look into how to make it generic enough to satisfy such requirement. @chowyu08...
Hey, So if I understand it, a cluster of broker require a router. That sounds like a single point of failure. Is this router functionality could be embedded in the...
I was thinking of persisting the retained messages in boltDB. Any idea about persisting feature?
I was thinking of introducing some logic to dynamically size the message pool and the worker pool. Something like: the pool start at a low number and when it's not...
Hi, Thanks for that really nice library. I'm trying to vertically align the resized text using flexbox but is doesn't seems to be resizing at all. Any idea how I...
I'd like to validate an input field on 'enter' key press. How can you achieve this?
I've tested with ```javascript required,isNumeric,isLength:1:5 ``` but it doesn't seems to work. Many thanks!