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[Question] Is the router could be part of the broker?
So if I understand it, a cluster of broker require a router. That sounds like a single point of failure. Is this router functionality could be embedded in the broker such as I suppose emqtt is doing?
I am also a bit confused about cluster design, I have another version similar to emqtt, branch "newbroker", but the "router" looks more distinct.
What about using raft algorithm (for instance the etcd implementation?)
it is not easy to use DHT since there's wildcard inside topic filter.. so i think simple broadcast the subscription is enough.
Sorry @hui6075 I'm not sure to follow. Broadcast the subscription of what to who? A broker subscription to other brokers?
@MarcMagnin yes, a broker broadcast it's local clients' subscription to other brokers inside the cluster. ONLY broadcast the subscription which comes from external clients, this does work for my mosquitto cluster;)
They seems to have a kafka broker with raft for the clustering. That may be good to look at it at some point: