Marc Bolaños Solà
Marc Bolaños Solà
@victorhcm, I am sorry for not being able to answer sooner. I tried converting the model with your .prototxt and testing it and it worked fine for me. For clarification...
@bienbinod, thank you for your feedback. If you are using the original Keras repo your converted models won't work. You must use [this Keras fork](, given that the converter also...
As you mention the problem is caused because you are using tensorflow instead of theano, and the order of the image dimensions is different by default. You should change it...
It does not support python3 currently. And I am not giving support to updates for the converter right now. Although, if you plan to do some changes any Pull Request...
I am using the very same model right now and it is working perfectly fine. Could it be that you are using the original repository of Keras to load the...
Hi, @Imorton-zd , if you show us your code maybe we will be able to give you some hint about what might be failing.
You can try it. If it only has "classical" layers like Conv, RELU, Pooling, etc. then it should work without a problem.
Hi @dchouren , are you trying to load the model with the original Keras version? Or with this fork?