food_ingredients_recognition copied to clipboard
standardize_input_data comes to a shape problem
when I'm training with Recipe5k using InceptionV3 model, it comes to a problem which I cannot fix it.
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 198, in <module>
File "", line 72, in train_model
ing_model.trainNet(dataset, training_params)
File "/foodingre/multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7/multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7/keras_wrapper/", line 677, in t
rainNet self.__train(ds, params)
File "/foodingre/multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7/multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7/keras_wrapper/", line 862, in _
_train initial_epoch=params['epoch_offset'])
File "/foodingre/keras-", line 91, in wrapper
return func(*args, **kwargs)
File "/foodingre/keras-", line 1470, in fit_generator
File "/oodingre/keras-", line 217, in fit_generator
File "/foodingre/keras-", line 1263, in train_on_batch
File "/foodingre/keras-", line 763, in _standardize_user_data
File "/foodingre/keras-", line 143, in standardize_input_data
ValueError: Error when checking input: expected input_1 to have shape (None, None, 3) but got array with shape (3, 299, 299)
Can you tell me do I need to modify anything? By the way, I am using the source code and I use tensorflow as backend for keras instead of theano. Is it cause any problem?
Thanks a lot!
As you mention the problem is caused because you are using tensorflow instead of theano, and the order of the image dimensions is different by default. You should change it on keras' configuration in ~/.keras/keras.json
Just change the image_dim_ordering parameter to th
instead of tf
Thanks a lot! It solved the problem.
Hi, I start training the Ingredients model and when it's going to evaluate model outputs on val set, it throws out an error:
Epoch 1/200
3400/3409 [============================>.] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.0626[07/01/2019 22:03:51] <<< Predicting outputs of val set >>>
[07/01/2019 22:04:05] Evaluating on metric multilabel_metrics
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 199, in <module>
File "", line 73, in train_model
ing_model.trainNet(dataset, training_params)
File "/disk/lucy/sourceCode/multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7/multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7/keras_wrapper/", line 677, in trainN
et self.__train(ds, params)
File "/disk/lucy/sourceCode/multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7/multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7/keras_wrapper/", line 862, in __trai
n initial_epoch=params['epoch_offset'])
File "/disk/lucy/sourceCode/keras-1.2.3/keras-1.2.3/keras/engine/", line 1565, in fit_generator
callbacks.on_epoch_end(epoch, epoch_logs)
File "/disk/lucy/sourceCode/keras-1.2.3/keras-1.2.3/keras/", line 43, in on_epoch_end
callback.on_epoch_end(epoch, logs)
File "/disk/lucy/sourceCode/multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7/multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7/keras_wrapper/extra/", line 170, in
on_epoch_end self.evaluate(epoch, counter_name='epoch')
File "/disk/lucy/sourceCode/multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7/multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7/keras_wrapper/extra/", line 290, in
evaluate split=s)
File "/disk/lucy/sourceCode/multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7/multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7/keras_wrapper/extra/", line 146, in
multilabel_metrics y_pred[i_s, word2idx[word]] = 1
KeyError: 0.69028074
It seems that the argument pred_list of method multilabel_metrics in is composed of probability rather that word dictionary. Is there any clue to solve the problem? Thanks a lot!
BTW: I'm using custom keras==1.2.3, multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7, with backend=tensorflow-gpu==1.5.0, python2.7, run
Hi, I start training the Ingredients model and when it's going to evaluate model outputs on val set, it throws out an error:
Epoch 1/200 3400/3409 [============================>.] - ETA: 0s - loss: 0.0626[07/01/2019 22:03:51] <<< Predicting outputs of val set >>> [07/01/2019 22:04:05] Evaluating on metric multilabel_metrics Traceback (most recent call last): File "", line 199, in <module> train_model(params) File "", line 73, in train_model ing_model.trainNet(dataset, training_params) File "/disk/lucy/sourceCode/multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7/multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7/keras_wrapper/", line 677, in trainN et self.__train(ds, params) File "/disk/lucy/sourceCode/multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7/multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7/keras_wrapper/", line 862, in __trai n initial_epoch=params['epoch_offset']) File "/disk/lucy/sourceCode/keras-1.2.3/keras-1.2.3/keras/engine/", line 1565, in fit_generator callbacks.on_epoch_end(epoch, epoch_logs) File "/disk/lucy/sourceCode/keras-1.2.3/keras-1.2.3/keras/", line 43, in on_epoch_end callback.on_epoch_end(epoch, logs) File "/disk/lucy/sourceCode/multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7/multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7/keras_wrapper/extra/", line 170, in on_epoch_end self.evaluate(epoch, counter_name='epoch') File "/disk/lucy/sourceCode/multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7/multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7/keras_wrapper/extra/", line 290, in evaluate split=s) File "/disk/lucy/sourceCode/multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7/multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7/keras_wrapper/extra/", line 146, in multilabel_metrics y_pred[i_s, word2idx[word]] = 1 KeyError: 0.69028074
It seems that the argument pred_list of method multilabel_metrics in is composed of probability rather that word dictionary. Is there any clue to solve the problem? Thanks a lot!
BTW: I'm using custom keras==1.2.3, multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7, with backend=tensorflow-gpu==1.5.0, python2.7, run
I think I solved the problem by modifying multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7\multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7\keras_wrapper\extra\, line 254, change elif to else statement, because I found the self.is_multilabel is always False
#elif self.is_multilabel: else:
After modifying this file, I got another error:
Traceback (most recent call last):
File "", line 199, in <module>
File "", line 73, in train_model
ing_model.trainNet(dataset, training_params)
File "/disk/lucy/sourceCode/multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7/multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7/keras_wrapper/", line 677, in trainN
et self.__train(ds, params)
File "/disk/lucy/sourceCode/multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7/multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7/keras_wrapper/", line 862, in __trai
n initial_epoch=params['epoch_offset'])
File "/disk/lucy/sourceCode/keras-1.2.3/keras-1.2.3/keras/engine/", line 1565, in fit_generator
callbacks.on_epoch_end(epoch, epoch_logs)
File "/disk/lucy/sourceCode/keras-1.2.3/keras-1.2.3/keras/", line 43, in on_epoch_end
callback.on_epoch_end(epoch, logs)
File "/disk/lucy/sourceCode/multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7/multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7/keras_wrapper/extra/", line 170, in
on_epoch_end self.evaluate(epoch, counter_name='epoch')
File "/disk/lucy/sourceCode/multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7/multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7/keras_wrapper/extra/", line 296, in
evaluate split=s)
File "/disk/lucy/sourceCode/multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7/multimodal_keras_wrapper-0.7/keras_wrapper/extra/", line 154, in
multilabel_metrics gt_list = extra_vars[split]['references']
KeyError: 'references'
I modified the in this repository, line 162, adding the following code:
exec("extra_vars[s]['references'] = dataset.Y_"+s+"[params['OUTPUTS_IDS_DATASET'][0]]")