Manuel Levi
Manuel Levi
I was asked once to give my password for the SSH file. Because the password was incorrect and the tick "Remember me" was on, I can no longer use the...
Hey! I was messing with some of the code and I noticed that the max frequency slider disappears at lower sampling frequencies. If MIC_RATE is set 29,400 the max frequency...
I edited the code a bit so now it supports serial communication too. I can't really test how efficient it is as I only have a small 8 LED ring...
Hi everyone, I seem to be having problems with typing some characters like "/" or ":". This makes Sikuli close to unusable in a production environment. I guess I'm doing...
Trying to run: ` -P ""` or ` -P ""` results in a: `The URL must not be empty:` or `The URL must not be empty:` I'm not...
Hi! Don't know if I read it wrong on the ``, but I assume `USERNAME` refers to email. If it does, I was unable to log in using it. The...