Manuel Levi
Manuel Levi
Update: Found out the password was saved in Apple's keychain access. Removed the key from there. Tried again, making sure I was using the right password. I'm getting the same...
Hi! Thanks for such quick reply! I have no problems with any other kind of authentication though: both SSH and GitHub. What could be causing this?
This is extremely important when editing large documents that need to be separated into different files for organization. I personaly think that having the preview update everytime an included file...
Sorry, @RaiMan! I should have included that information from the start, my bad... I'm running SikuliX-ide 2.0.4 on a macOS Catalina. I understand this is an old problem, and I...
The sketch is a modified version of LedStripColorTester of the PololuLedStrip lib. ``` rgb_color color; current_led = Serial.parseInt(); = Serial.parseInt(); = Serial.parseInt(); = Serial.parseInt(); colors[current_led] = color;...
Yes. It's quite simple. This would be the most important function. ``` def _update_serial(): global pixels pixels2 = np.clip(pixels, 0, 255).astype(int) for i in range(8): tmp = pixels2[:,i] s =...
Unfortunately, I don't have that code anymore but I don't think you need much more than what I've posted here, have you tried it following the posts? I don't have...
You'll have to define all those variables before using them, like `int current_led;`.
Would be great to see this approved! Does this affect the rest of the page as well?
If you add `enableRobotsTXT=true` to your `hugo.toml`, it should work. You can also change the file by editing `layouts/robots.txt`.