For a cube I am currently using an array of MeshStandardMaterial and feeding it to the box mesh like this: ``` const matBFront = new THREE.MeshStandardMaterial({ .... }); const matBLeft...
Hello ! On rendering the below model in raytracing mode, I get weird black patches on the model. The same model when rendererd in realtime feels fine. What is the...
When we ray trace an object which is set to transparent but whose opacity level is set to 1, the raytracer overwrites the opacity value with its own value. In...
If you set the texture to repeat over a surface, the texture does not repeat while doing ray tracing and resorts to 1 large texture over the entire surface. Here...
Is there a way to adjust the polygon offset factor of the material in this ray-tracer as geometries that are really close to each other are z-fighting. The three.js real-time...
If I just add the texture attached below to a box in the default test scene provided in the master branch, the image starts burning after a few seconds and...
**Describe the bug** The normal map is not exported correctly with the model provided in the file. When you export and import the model back you can see the incorrect...
**Describe the bug** The decal gets replicated when splatted. This happens when you try to splat just around the corners; you can then clearly see the partial/full replication (just once)...
Float3 should be float as alpha channel is not a vector
Hello! I had some doubt about your conversion from clip space to screen space in the code present in the shader file: kode80SSR/Assets/Resources/Shaders/SSR.shader. From line 136 - 146: ``` //...