@rpherbig @KatoakDR What do you think here? The current recommended install setup uses `dr-scripts_install` to automate this. It's obviously not the same thing as having use_lich_fork be the default, but...
> The new setup script uses the fork right? Yes, the setup script enables the fork for new users. What would be a benefit would be if dependency itself checked...
@rcuhljr @KatoakDR, @rpherbig and myself were discussing this topic again. We're discussing folding the process in into `;dependency install` and the topic came up as to why it wasn't...
> Early on the fork was less divergent from the mainline and less important to proper lich functionality, also it felt kind of presumptuous to me at the time to...
@vtcifer Would you be keen to pick this back up? We clearly have a need for this to this day still.
Hi @robbintt Do you plan to come back to this? Or shall we close it off? Thanks!
There is actually overlap between this and a recent issue where CT wasn't exiting combat with stop_hunting_if_bleeding: true and skip_last_kill: false I think this function needs to be looked at...
@KatoakDR Looks like equipment manager still uses fputs to this day... Or @asechrest ?
@KatoakDR There are so many issues like this, related to tending bleeders/wounds that I think it's worth looking at as a whole. @asechrest just tagging for visibility.
@KatoakDR this seems interesting :)