
Results 5 issues of Vkn

Hii , i have install framework through pod install(`pod "IQMediaPickerController"`) . app is build successfully and run but the **IQMediaPickerController** not showing assest icons of flash/front/rear camera icons etc, though...

Same Query, Same code but result is different in both ios 10 & ios 11 ` let resultSet: FMResultSet! = NIDBModelManager.getInstance().database!.executeQuery("SELECT * FROM \(NIDatabaseTableName.UPDATES_LIST_TBL) ORDER BY datetime(content_timestamp_created) DESC LIMIT 10",...

`[FMDatabase executeQuery:withArgumentsInArray:orDictionary:orVAList:] (FMDatabase.m:808) 10 FMDB 0x10512c310 -[FMDatabase executeQuery:withArgumentsInArray:] (FMDatabase.m:946)`

Video export failed with error: Cannot create file (-3000) when i try mp4 type video

**MRProgressOverlayView.showOverlayAdded(to: self.view, title: text, mode: .indeterminateSmallDefault, animated: true)** i have added code to MRProgress and working fine but i need to change activity indicator colour from gray to orange. So,...