> I have the same problem Hi, I also had this problem, got roadnetLogFile and replayLogFile, and the road, the number of vehicles, the current step is displayed correctly, but,...
> 我已经解决了这个问题。这意味着你自己的模型生成的replay.txt文件缺少两个重要的值:这辆车的长度和宽度。您可以将生成的 replay.txt 与示例文件进行比较。祝你好运! Hello, can you tell me how to solve this problem?
> > I have solved this problem. It means the replay.txt file which you generate by your own model lacks of two important values: the length and the width of...
> 您是否在文件中指定了长度和宽度`flow.json`? Yes, the flow.json file has width and length. And I found that some algorithms run the results to display the vehicle normally, and some don't.
> > > 您是否在文件中指定了长度和内容`flow.json`? > > > > > > 是的,flow.json 文件有宽度和长度。我发现有些算法运行结果可以正常显示车辆,有些则不能。 > > 您能否详细说明哪种算法会产生异常行为? When I run CoLight, CoLight can't display the vehicle, but MPLight can do it normally....
> Weird, different algorithms should not influence replay behavior, there might be some problem in Python code or settings in config file, e.g. `saveReplay` should be true. I'm also confused,...
> checkout this repo `https://github.com/zhc134/tlc-baselines` Thank you very much.
> How to modify the parameters to run the manhattan data? I try to adjust the road_net and the volum, but the 'json' file without NUM_COL and NUM_ROW. > >...
> Thank you very much for your email response! However, I haven't checked github for a long time, and only saw your reply today. Sorry about that haha. Regarding the...