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How to run the manhattan data?
How to modify the parameters to run the manhattan data? I try to adjust the road_net and the volum, but the 'json' file without NUM_COL and NUM_ROW.
Thank you very much.
How to modify the parameters to run the manhattan data? I try to adjust the road_net and the volum, but the 'json' file without NUM_COL and NUM_ROW.
Thank you very much.
Hello, I am also facing the same problem. Could you please tell me if you have solved it? Thank you very much.
Same problem
Same problem,has anyone solve it?
I have read the json files of Manhattan in deatails, and the traffic network is not a regular pattern. Therefore, just use NUM_COL and NUM_ROW can describe it.
Additionally, the intersections under Manhattan also different from each other, rather than a 4-way 4-phase intersection. And the current file and model cannot support running under Manhattan.
In summary, it is impossible to train and test models under Manhattan, unless you design a unified neural network like AttendLight.
Thank you for your answer!
hello, guys. intersection number in MPLight/data/manhattan/manhattan.json just 1 while tsc says "The road network contains 2510 intersections in Manhattan". other files like manhattan_*.json are just flowFile not roadnetFile. so why the roadnetFile just contain 1 intersection?
my mistake. 1 intersections can contains all intersection. I got it. sorry to borther you guys.
my mistake. 1 intersections can contains all intersection. I got it. sorry to borther you guys. Great answer, thank you very much!
I count the different intersection with diff phase and got some wired data: {1: 1421, 2: 1459, 3: 16, 4: 6, 8: 678, 9: 182, 10: 1}. The amount of them is 3763. If the time of lightphases is 0, I just cut it off when counting
- paper say there is 2510 traffic lights, I count the not virtual intersection num is 3763. Am I counting wrong?
- The number of traffic light with only 1 phase is 1421, such as cluster_5333189427_5333189428. I wonder if only 1 phase, why would it need to be controned? I think those which >=2 should be control.
def parse_roadnet(roadnetFile):
roadnet = json.load(open(roadnetFile))
lane_phase_info_dict ={}
# many intersections exist in the roadnet and virtual intersection is controlled by signal
for intersection in roadnet["intersections"]:
if intersection['virtual']:
lane_phase_info_dict[intersection['id']] = {"location": {
"x": float(intersection["point"]["x"]),
"y": float(intersection["point"]["y"]),},
"start_lane": [],
"end_lane": [],
"phase": [],
"phase_startLane_mapping": {},
"phase_roadLink_mapping": {},
road_links = intersection["roadLinks"]
start_lane = []
end_lane = []
roadLink_lane_pair = {ri: [] for ri in
range(len(road_links))} # roadLink includes some lane_pair: (start_lane, end_lane)
for ri in range(len(road_links)):
road_link = road_links[ri]
for lane_link in road_link["laneLinks"]:
sl = road_link['startRoad'] + "_" + str(lane_link["startLaneIndex"])
el = road_link['endRoad'] + "_" + str(lane_link["endLaneIndex"])
roadLink_lane_pair[ri].append((sl, el))
lane_phase_info_dict[intersection['id']]["start_lane"] = sorted(list(set(start_lane)))
lane_phase_info_dict[intersection['id']]["end_lane"] = sorted(list(set(end_lane)))
# ["trafficLight"]["lightphases"] 中的长度并不一定等于红绿灯的全部相位,比如生成脚本的第一个相位就是全红,只允许右转,还有的是该相位的时间为0,manhattan中就有不少是availableRoadLinks和time都是0的情况
phase_i = 0
start_index= 0 # 设置为1来跳过第一个红灯相位
for _ in range(start_index, len(intersection["trafficLight"]["lightphases"])):
p = intersection["trafficLight"]["lightphases"][phase_i]
if p['time']<=0:
lane_pair = []
start_lane = []
for ri in p["availableRoadLinks"]:
if roadLink_lane_pair[ri][0][0] not in start_lane:
lane_phase_info_dict[intersection['id']]["phase_startLane_mapping"][phase_i] = start_lane
lane_phase_info_dict[intersection['id']]["phase_roadLink_mapping"][phase_i] = lane_pair
phase_i += 1
return lane_phase_info_dict
if __name__ == "__main__":
lane_phase_info = parse_roadnet("manhattan/manhattan.json")
print(len(lane_phase_info)) # 3763
count_phase = defaultdict(int)
for inter in lane_phase_info.keys():
print(count_phase) # defaultdict(<class 'int'>, {1: 1421, 2: 1459, 4: 6, 9: 182, 8: 678, 10: 1, 3: 16})
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