Instead of appearing between the Machangelo Peninsula (the peninsula on the southern end) and the Punto da Macaneta to the north, Baia de Maputo is spread out along the coastline...
It might be possible to assign a more specific identification to ne_id 1159119435, which currently has featurecla = 'generic', no name, and no wikidataid. It appears to correspond to wikidataid...
Hungary's admin 1 divisions (see ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces) all seem to be present and correct, except that the ISO 3166-2 code for Erd (a city with county rights, adm1_code = HUN-4907, should...
In 2014, Bahrain abolished Al Wusta (Central) Governorate, represented in ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces as adm1_code = BHR-4928, name = 'Al Wusta', iso_3166_2 = 'BH-16'. In 2015 ISO 3166 eliminated the subdivision code...
For Libya's subdivisions, the boundaries look all right for ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces, but some of the names and ISO 3166-2 codes don't seem to completely match what I understand they ought to...
In ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces, all the counties of Liberia are present, but 2 of them are missing their ISO 3166-2 values. adm1_code = LBR-1458, name = 'River Gee', should have iso_3166_2 =...
Currently ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces still splits up Reykjavik (ISO 3166-2 code IS-0) and Greater Reykjavik (ISO 3166-2 code IS-1). ISO 3166-2 ( now recognizes that they are a single subdivision, Greater Reykjavik...
Back in 2014, ISO 3166-2 recognized the subdivision name change for Kirkuk governorate (previously At-Ta'mim, which is what ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces is still using) by changing its ISO 3166-2 code from IQ-TS...
ISO 3166-2 ( was updated in 2020 to add new subdivision code GQ-DJ for subdivision Djibloho, which was carved out of Wele-Nzas (adm1_code = GNQ-1471 in ne_10m_admin_1_states_provinces) in 2015. The English subdivisions Bournemouth (ISO 3166-2 code GB-BMH) and Poole (ISO 3166-2 code GB-POL) were replaced by Bournemouth, Christchurch, and Poole (GB-BCP) as of 1 April 2019. (The Christchurch...