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[QUESTION] How to suppress the too many DEBUG current mc logs?

Open hiyyg opened this issue 2 years ago • 2 comments

Have you read the documentation?

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  • [ ] No - then this issue will be closed.

Post your theoretical questions / usage questions here.

hiyyg avatar Sep 01 '22 09:09 hiyyg

I have the same problem.

SEUZTh avatar Oct 02 '22 05:10 SEUZTh

@SEUZTh @hiyyg This issue has been fixed in my fork of the PMC library. Please delete the downloaded PMC library (or removing build folder entirely), rerun CMake and compile again. Alternatively, if you want the messages back, pass in -DPMC_ENABLE_DEBUG as additional compiler flags to CMake.

jingnanshi avatar Oct 02 '22 21:10 jingnanshi

If there are no further questions, we will close the issue. Thx!

LimHyungTae avatar May 02 '24 23:05 LimHyungTae