I may also be experiencing this issue. Currently trying to see if I can figure out more info to provide.
It appears my issue is that the mod merger was not merging some mods (I figured out why on one, dependency manager, but not the others). I wasn't loading some...
Okay, after hours of troubleshooting, I am having severe problems with loading WH3 through the mod manager when I have one or more merged mods enabled. To get the game...
@Azraeel: emiel123 wrote on the [Steam Workshop]( page for the mod manager that rebooting is a temp fix to the issue. I'm about to try it now.
A better writeup I made for Da Modding Den in case it helps here: I'm making a merged mod pack to get my mod count below ca's limit with Prop...
Updated schema in RPFM , no effect. The original pack file opens and can be edited / used in game
I just made another merged pack and it only happened in one mod. The only two things I ended up figuring out about the pack file that it imported is...
Awesome, thanks!
I dont know what changed but it works fabulously now!