Ryan D. Lewis

Results 8 comments of Ryan D. Lewis

@ROBERT-MCDOWELL well, that depends. From the "start", instance admins and content creators, paying to create and host content. Monetization is a mechanism for compensating those individuals, who are taking on...

@samlich congrats on the funding, that's terrific! Good thing too, since grad school hit me hard and I haven't gotten around to working on this yet. No wasted effort, at...

> I think it's rather strange to introduce a platform specific (mavros) dependency on a driver like this. > > Why not use [rtcm_msgs](https://github.com/tilk/rtcm_msgs)? I was originally planning on using...

Alrighty, works for me! Once [@Timple's PR](https://github.com/tilk/rtcm_msgs/pull/4) gets merged and a ROS2 package is released, I'll update this to use it and we're off to the races. I'll probably also...

Alright, this PR is now updated to use `rtcm_msgs` instead of `mavros_msgs`, since Timple's PR got merged and `ntrip_client` now has support for choosing your rtcm message type.

Same situation as @rigved, running in WSL.

Tried your test file, got this as output: ``` Help on package thefuck: NAME thefuck PACKAGE CONTENTS argument_parser conf const corrector exceptions logs main not_configured types ui utils FILE (built-in)...

The purpose of this PR was to add support for sending RTCM messages to an RTK from an external source, like an ntrip server, in order to use that correction...