Lucas Hardt
Lucas Hardt
- Attributes from classes in missing type hints. Instead of defining attributes in functions it might be better to define them in the init and type hinting them as...
### Reason: Save memory and bandwidth when using fortnitepy to just fetch some data. ### Implementation: Similar to a `connect()` and `login()` method can be useful. Connect connects to... 2.0 will be released soon including a lot of breaking changes, so updating the examples is necessary.
Add MCP related endpoints documented in
### Benbot The benbot examples url and endpoints are depcreated/not available anymore. ### Fortnite-API These examples still using the deprecated V1 version of the API. Updating the code for V2...
Due to the reveal of a lot of information about STW data, it might be worth adding stw endpoints including: Stats (with Powerlevel), Mission Alerts and Shop. This repo might...
Endpoint: `` How you can change the language? (found no better way) send get requests as long `response['blogList'][0]['locale']` has the requested language Languages: English (America): `en-US` Russian: `ru` Arabic: `ar`...
__**Maintenance Coutdown:**__ Add the Countdown for Maintenace which can be found in the lightswitch endpoint. `countdown_to_maintenance_in_ms = response['timeToShutdownInMs']` If there is no maintenance 'timeToShutdownInMs' is not in the response included....
MongoDB and motor offer field encryption trough the `motor_asyncio.AsyncIOMotorClientEncryption` which offer a `.encrypt` and `.decrypt` function. A possible implementation would be similar to Indexes. Eg. typehinting the field as `Encrpted(str)`....