fortnitepy copied to clipboard
Improve Server Status Information
Maintenance Coutdown: Add the Countdown for Maintenace which can be found in the lightswitch endpoint.
countdown_to_maintenance_in_ms = response['timeToShutdownInMs']
If there is no maintenance 'timeToShutdownInMs' is not in the response included.
Details for Services: I don't know if this fit's in the API, cuz it's not directly an Endpoint from Epic, but it's possible to get the separated Service Status with 2 Methods:
Parsing the HTML File (I currently use that method):
with urllib.request.urlopen('') as fp:
html = BeautifulSoup(fp, 'html.parser')
components_cont = html.find('div', attrs={'class': 'child-components-container'})
components = components_cont.findAll('div', recursive=False)
for component in components:
name = component.find('span', attrs={'class': 'name'}).getText(strip=True).replace(' ', '').lower()
status = component.find('span', attrs={'class': 'component-status'}).getText(strip=True).replace(' ', '').lower()
data[name] = status
(Could be changed to async)
Get it from the json:
I'm not sure how to get the separated information. It could be only displayed if a Service is down.