Lu Junjie
Lu Junjie
Hi, I get the depth image in RL environment by `depth = env.getDepthImage()`. The data of depth image is all between 0 - 1. I don't know what the unit...
Hi, I want to use the environment in RL, but I can't detect whether the drone collides with the environment (such as a tree and wall). I print the `quad_ptr_->getCollision()`...
In rknn-toolkit2, it works well: ``` outputs = rknn.inference(inputs=[img_norm], data_format=['nchw']) ``` but in rknn-toolkite-lite2, there is a error as: ``` self.rknn_runtime.set_inputs(inputs, data_type, data_format, inputs_pass_through=inputs_pass_through) File "rknnlite/api/", line 1008, in rknnlite.api.rknn_runtime.RKNNRuntime.set_inputs...