Results 41 comments of LordMZTE

Would a pull request adding a `Dockerfile` to this repo be accepted? If so would the docker image be published on the docker hub account of one of this repo's...

Yes I am! I agree that this isn't important, I just think that it would be nice to consider for a future version.

I agree, but why use a `Vec` and not a `HashMap` does ron not support maps? If it does, I think that would be nicer.

Getting this too, but installing using `cargo install --git https://github.com/hrkfdn/ncspot` on arch linux. And if i try to start it later, it crashes without any apparent errors.

I think I figured out why this happens! I believe this is when the terminal emulator supports truecolor. Try running `env TERM=xterm-256color ncspot`, that fixes it for me!

> I had the same issue. Then I tried disabling all my other mods one by one and it turned out that it was because of malilib and/or other masa's...

> > Seems to be a mixin conflict with tweakeroo. > > This is very likely a seperate issue > > Oh, sorry, my bad. Should I open a new...

> > because that way you can never have 2 mixins on the same function. > > You can, just not a redirect yes, as i stated

Another solution to this could be to use the existing corner positioning system but additionally with X and Y offsets. This would allow for custom positioning and solve the issue...

I don't think this is a good idea. kami is very easy to update due to being a fabric mod (unlike other mods like impact). This in my opinion may...