Hi Why you're asking here (EZWB issues) for integration into the Navio 2 image? :wink: I thing the [Navio image builder](https://github.com/emlid/pi-gen-navio) should be a better place for this question. :octocat:...
Nice to hear you're working on the same thing too! :+1: Contribution is always welcome :tada: To this point, I've done only some research and played a bit around. No...
Nice! I heard about it but wasn't able to find the link in the wiki :+1:
@htcohio: This group looks like a general user group. Is there any other group especially for developers? Maybe I would like to join.
This issue has been mentioned on **OpenHD**. There might be relevant details there: https://forum.openhdfpv.org/t/record-videos-on-airpi/583/2
@steveatinfincia There is actually no need for this extra docker build step. For me it looks like you have done this to keep the `CLOUDSMITH_API_KEY` secure. We have already images...
Should be done. For some strange reasons it is building here but not on my Travis. I can squash some commits together if you want. - You have to change...
For example this one: [ardu_log.zip](https://github.com/bw1129/PIDtoolbox/files/6964832/ardu_log.zip) https://github.com/ArduPilot/pymavlink could be useful, it did some of the work already.
Sadly the issues of sails-docs are gone. I'm interested at the build script too.
My primary one is 1920x1080. And yes, I have a scaling of 125%. I'll test on 100% tomorrow.