##### System information (version) - OpenCV => 3.4.16 - Operating System / Platform => Ubuntu 20.04 64-bit - Compiler => cmake ##### Detailed description When compiled with opencv_contrib, it failed...
Hi, thanks for your sharing. I'm trying to calibrate the velodyne lidar with a Kinect2 camera . But I cannot detect the aruco markers, which makes the program stuck. I...
Hello, I tried to test LOAM with [Stevens-VLP16-dataset]( shared by LeGO-LOAM and compare the performance of these two system. I got a terrible result using LOAM when tested it directly...
Hi, thanks for you sharing this useful tools for imu calibration. I got the screen output as follow: gyr x numData 1800038 gyr x start_t 1556184268.3 gyr x end_t 1556193268.3...
Hello! I'd like to synchronize the Avia lidar with GPRMC, and I connected wires following the wiki tutorial. Everything looks fine. Before launching it in ROS, I tested the synchronization...