I think `tmp_A` is corresponding to `1/2 * Jaccobian` in equation(15) (refer to VINS-MONO paper), that's why factor 2 should be multiplied. BUT I think it's `q_ij_imu = q_bl *...
Yes, that is the theoretical reason for the constant factor in the cost function. It can also be derived directly using eq(15) as I said before. The code should be...
@hunse Hi, thank for your sharing. I’m working with KITTI Velodyne data to test my SLAM solution. I noticed that you said this code was focused on raw data. Would...
Hi, thanks for your sharing! I met the same issue that realm_exiv2_grabber node crashed from the start in #15. I checked the code and found it crashed calling cv::FileStorage fs(filepath,...
> Hi, I fixed it with [vision_opencv](vision_opencv``) in which `cv_bridge` is provided. I used the compiled opencv3 lib by changing the `find_package(opencv 3)` as `find_package(opencv 4)` in the Cmakelist of...
> Yes, it's just a problem related to the `realm_exiv2_grabber` node. I think it may be helpful for others who want to build the excellent work on `Ubuntu 20.04` with...
Thanks!!!! @ZhengPan2014
@jediofgeve thanks for your reply. I checked my launch file and topics, but didn't find the problem. Here is my launch file and rqt_graph of nodes and topics. Could you...
Here is my .ini file in which my camera intrinsic parameters have been included. All things look fine, but the markers still could not be detected. `# Prosilica camera intrinsics...
could you share your launch file with me?