Old edge doesn't support the spread operator for object literals. We can make a simple one line change that use Object.assign instead which does basically the same thing, but allows...
EI has the option to output a json blob and an HTML output. The HTML output uses a slightly different version of the data dumped in the json blob, the...
I'm unsure of the difficulty of this, but here's going. There are some cards in certain decks that cannot be replaced, or rather, if they are replaced, drastically lower the...
I would like to be able to create a room programmatically via an API. Ideally, I would be able to define all of the options that one usually could define...
On the following bingo board (PW provided on request, please message me directly), the goal "15 Delfino Blues" was clicked at similar times by both players. Bingosync did not resolve...
Dependent on #354 We should remove the old parser completely and replace it with EI running either in a micro-service or some other structure to enable us to use the...
Dependent on #354 We would like to enable users who currently upload to, or have switched to as their storage method of choice, to keep track of their...
Part of #353. We will need a way to translate EI's output (primarily it's JSON output) into a format that can be understood by Raidar. @Nightara has been working hard...
We spend a lot of time maintaining the current Raidar parser, and there are numerous issues that none of the current developers are well equipped to tackle. As such, we...