Lee Campbell
Lee Campbell
To add to Dispelling myths - Event handles - IDispose pattern - Finalise is just as good as Dispose - GC is free - Setting to NULL is the same...
The advanced overload of buffer belongs in the SequencesOfCoincidence chapter
Anonymous said... Hi Lee - intro to Rx is an excellent resource! There's a small issue in the Timeout section; the example using a TimeSpan would actually output 0-9, rather...
In addition to recognising Albahari and Pro git, also acknowledge the Q for Mortals wiki for KDB http://code.kx.com/wiki/JB:QforMortals2/lists the High Perf Broswer networking book http://chimera.labs.oreilly.com/books/1230000000545/index.html
Suggest that not only is async becoming popular, but in many cases syncronous operations are being deprecated. Reference IndexedDB, SignalR, new windows APIs
List the (dis)advantages with Rx and Task ### Rx - No way to provide Back pressure e.g. from x in xs from from content in Download(x)....how do I throttle so...