Lee Campbell
Lee Campbell
Thanks @mtikilay for your support. Help from the community makes Open Source work! You may see I have made notes against the code changes, but maybe I can summarise here....
Thanks for the interest and contribution @bbarry . Personally I am not a bit-fiddler magician, I am just leaning on the contributions from Gil and people like yourself. I will...
Some quick feedback. This code base uses `long` not `ulong`. Negative values mean something to us. Updating the proposed code to use `long` and work correctly (that hard coded 56...
It appears that this functionality has been merged to `dotnet/coreclr` `master` on via https://github.com/dotnet/coreclr/pull/14456. I am not sure when this will be released or how it will be made available.
Not sure whether to wait for NBench to support .NET Core first before looking at this. https://github.com/petabridge/NBench/issues/68
Thanks @psantoro for your feedback. I can see that there could be some value in the enable/disable via config. However, I would rather keep HdrHistogram.NET agnostic of any config. With...
Nuget cli example `nuget push .\HdrHistogram.2.5.0.nupkg -Source https://api.nuget.org/v3/index.json`
Initial thoughts are that this may be as simple as providing a template C# script to show how you would use an ETW Log file as an input to an...
The supporting documentation will need to updated to reflect this change too. https://github.com/HdrHistogram/HdrHistogram.NET/wiki/Encoded-Histogram-format
Not that I can think of. The content is just in the content folder. @xpaulbettsx suggested using Pandoc (http://johnmacfarlane.net/pandoc/) might help. In my mind if I was ever going to...