Lee Campbell
Lee Campbell
The readme currently doesn't have the basic details on how to run tests! It should say something like ``` dotnet test .\HdrHistogram.UnitTests\HdrHistogram.UnitTests.csproj -v=q -c=Release ```
We currently have at the heart of the hot path a manual method for find the leading zero count. This is used to identify the correct bucket to assign a...
https://www.appveyor.com/docs/deployment/github/ When we tag the repo, it would be nice if a release was just created * Repo tagged * GitHub "release" created * Nuget package added to the Release...
Could use https://readthedocs.org/ to host the generated docs.
Create extreme packages that are designed for extreme performance cases * only have a single implementation of a histogram defined * remove the base class * only implement the interface...
I assume that there is a simple way to add a middleware/handler/router/filter/thing to ASP.NET to allow HdrHistogram to record the time taken for the request to be processed. If there...
As asked and answered here https://gitter.im/HdrHistogram/HdrHistogram?at=56db5610ddfe3d431627fa97
This seems like it will become a popular thing and people are already asking for it https://gitter.im/HdrHistogram/HdrHistogram?at=563f8127c712fe074e4e7101
I am not sure what the Skinny Histogram is and what it could offer the .NET project. * https://github.com/HdrHistogram/HdrHistogram/blob/master/HdrHistogram-benchmarks/src/main/java/org/HdrHistogram/SkinnyHistogram.java * https://github.com/Searchlight/khronus/blob/master/khronus-core/src/main/scala/com/searchlight/khronus/model/SkinnyHistogram.scala * Searchlight/khronus#21 (comment)
Currently I believe that the only way for a .NET program to render the captured histograms into a chart is via the web project http://hdrhistogram.github.io/HdrHistogram/plotFiles.html. It would be nice if...