Lee Campbell
Lee Campbell
http://www.introtorx.com/content/v1.0.10621.0/04_CreatingObservableSequences.html#ObservableCreate > The Create method is also preferred over creating custom types that implement the IObservable interface. There really is no need to implement the observer/observable interfaces yourself. Rx tackles...
Requests have been made to improve the section on `Swtich()` in the Rx.NET gitter chat room
A new treat has appeared in the Rx codebase, and it looks like what I wanted from CompDisp the whole time. https://github.com/Reactive-Extensions/Rx.NET/blob/master/Rx.NET/Source/System.Reactive.Core/Reactive/Disposables/StableCompositeDisposable.cs
There are some gotchas when using the DispatcherScheduler Ones that come to mind include, - accessing it from the wrong thread (creates a dispatcher for that thread!) - Start up...
Add content on Scheduled Exceptions. This may include but not be limited to the Catch extension method to IScheduler interface.
To keep the content of IntroToRx - to the point - covering the API - Generic Remove the sample code of reading from the FileSystem as an Observable sequence. Move...
Potentially add to a section on hidden gotchas? -or- what is bad about Rx?
need reason why we care. Create a proposition and support it. --> - Number of requests while database is down - When person loggedin to a chat, get their tweets...
Add section on currency myths to DispellingMyths