Lee Campbell
Lee Campbell
Ahhh.....let me speak to my lawyer. I am not strong in this area. While I am happy to share the content (so the greater community can all benefit), I worked...
As it is a book, I would expect the same respect that I tried to pay to the books I referenced. My issue is with wholesale copying instead of linking,...
Just in case it is not clear, I have no affiliation to Microsoft, except that I use their products. I am not on the Rx team either. However I try...
Sorry I have been slack at responding. I am currently on 4 week vacation with the family. Another option is to consider the [ReactiveX Subject](http://reactivex.io/documentation/subject.html) doco and we could focus...
Would love to take some changes. I have started porting the content to markdown, so that it is easier for others to contribute. However I dont have a build that...
Thats for your interest. I am not really sure how to tackle this problem. I will have a look at how readthedocs do this. Hopefully there is a way we...
I worked with @epsitec on an implementation of this. I should be able to lean on that example. http://share.linqpad.net/ekvedh.linq
``` var fsw = new FileSystemWatcher("."); var fileChangedStream = Observable.FromEventPattern( handler => fsw.Changed += handler, handler => fsw.Changed -= handler) ```
Nice little write up (might be well out of date) here - http://www.codemag.com/article/1210051 and here - https://developer.mozilla.org/en-US/docs/Web/API/WebSockets_API/Writing_WebSocket_server It would be nice if we could get a cross-platform solution working i.e....