Indeed, delete the -p -a option make it work again. I relaunch the the command and it works. My corrected file, pb.asm.nextpolish1.fa, has multiple time the same deflines . grep...
Dear Augustus team, I think I have the same issue with Augustus 3.3.3 ( I follow the instruction from samtools, bamtools) but I have this error : g++ -o "utrrnaseq"...
I have the same error too: Error: mv: cannot stat 'braker1_out/genemark_hintsfile.gff.rnaseq.tmp': No such file or directory ERROR in file /opt/BRAKER/scripts/ at line 6314 Failed to execute: mv braker1_out/genemark_hintsfile.gff.rnaseq.tmp braker1_out/genemark_hintsfile.gff end...
Hi, Thanks, indeed. It was --prg=exonerate. The command that you suggest works fine (as well as