Hello, I am having trouble with using the generated checkboxes when using a screen reader to navigate since the checkboxes are rendered without labels or any aria what so ever:...
Hello, I noticed that the previous/next button on the b:Datatable pagination were still focusable when they where disabled. It is usually common practice to prevent focus on disabled elements (and...
The titles for the "previous month" and "next month" buttons must be hard coded so they do not follow the local. It is not very crucial since the date picker...
Hello, it seems that the datatbles paginator might not be full accesible to screen reader users. Indeed, there is no information on the current page and the links are not...
Hello, the table rendered by datatable is rendered as: ```html ``` however, the cellspacing attribute of is not supported in HTML5. This should be done with css instead of using...
Hello, I am wondering if there is a particular reason you choose to render the input of the touchSpin and the colorPicker as input_form:ID when date picker is rendered as...
It might be nice to add (or to give the possibility to the dev to add) either a title or an aria-label
Having at least one column that is orderable="false" will cause the selection mode to become multiple. Checkboxes also breakes the selection-mode="signle" This creates a table with single select: ```html ```...
Hello , I'm so sorry to bother you again..... I have an issue with the way the b:dropmenu is rendered in html because the "title" (the box on which you...
Hello, It's not a major problem,more an observation. I can't show you exactly because the calendar closes when i try to take screen shots but I tried to draw one....