BootsFaces-OSP copied to clipboard
Datatables: orderable="false" and checkboxes override selection-mode="signle"
Having at least one column that is orderable="false" will cause the selection mode to become multiple. Checkboxes also breakes the selection-mode="signle"
This creates a table with single select:
<b:dataTable id="table-example" value="#{lineList}" var="line"
onselect="ajax:datatableControleur.onSelect(line, typeOfSelection, indexes);"
ondeselect="ajax:datatableControleur.onDeselect(line, typeOfSelection, indexes);"
<b:dataTableColumn label="foo" />
This creates a table with multiple line selection
<b:dataTable id="table-example" value="#{lineList}" var="line"
onselect="ajax:datatableControleur.onSelect(line, typeOfSelection, indexes);"
ondeselect="ajax:datatableControleur.onDeselect(line, typeOfSelection, indexes);"
<b:dataTableColumn label="foo" orderable="false" />
This creates a table with multiple line selection too
<b:dataTable id="table-example" value="#{lineList}" var="line"
onselect="ajax:datatableControleur.onSelect(line, typeOfSelection, indexes);"
ondeselect="ajax:datatableControleur.onDeselect(line, typeOfSelection, indexes);"
<b:dataTableColumn label="foo" election-mode="single" />
Hey, i opened a new issue but i recreated your error. If i delete all orderable="false" the i can the options with selectionMode work. I guess i have the same error at the moment.
I'm afraid development of BootsFaces has slowed down considerably. We'll never manage to address this issue. Let's close it.