I have had/have similar problem check this:
Love this idea! In settings: "Next start - Start in stopped mode" My VPN tells me what port to use. My case as today: 1. Stop (Pause) all torrents. 2....
I understand: Its a bit of syntax and I see your worries. Honestly IMHO there are more syntax that i don't like some examples "Paused" are in my head Stopped...
I tried to think: What's most Common on the UI that I Cannot turn off: Connection status: Have two levels of status with different icons: "No incoming" and "Online" ADD...
qBittorrent 4.2.5 Windows 10 pro version 1909 I Can confirm this behavior. Restart of qBittorrent 4.2.5 without reboot of the machine - then it rembers "Last Activity" Whith Coldboot (complete...
I like this idea from Only1Shadow I think this could be use full for those that have a Capped´d account **It also be restricted to "per session"** It also could...
Is this similar?
I think you apply rate-limit also for the "transport" overhead, my guesstimate is 10-15% of the speed/data is for transport Untick the 2second last row. yes there will be traffic...