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Last Activity not working
Please provide the following information
qBittorrent version and Operating System
qBittorrent 4.2.5 Windows 10 pro version 2004
If on linux, libtorrent-rasterbar and Qt version
(type here)
What is the problem
After a reboot of the PC, the Last Activity tab resets to the infinity symbol. If any activity happens after the reboot then a time will be shown in the Last Activity, but if I reboot the PC again the Last Activity resets to the infinity symbol.
What is the expected behavior
The last activity (upload) of the torrent should be shown in either a time format or if over 24 hours will have days included as well. It should carry on counting up the time value after a reboot of the PC. If a torrent was showing as 10h in the Last Activity then this should carry on from there after a reboot.
Steps to reproduce
Download a torrent and wait until the Last Activity tab has a time in it. Reboot PC. When qBittorrent opens up again the Last Activity time will be the infinity symbol
Extra info(if any)
I have this working properly on qBittorrent version 3.3.16, but I would like to update the client to a newer version. Having no Last Activity working properly is a deal breaker for me.
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Are you using did you install qBittorrent form the official installer (available at https://www.qbittorrent.org/download.php), or are you using a "portable version" from PortableApps or similar?
Same on Windows 7. I am using official installer.
I am using the official version downloaded from the qBittorrent website. This is not a new problem. Has been like this for a long time.
Someone reported it 14 months ago (May 2018) as fixed in #8902 - but two others said it was not fixed. However, the issue was still closed, locked, and tagged as dupe today, even though it clearly predates this issue thread by over a year, strange chronology in the app, and it seems, in dupe tagging 😜
Over the period of about 12 months I have tried the newer versions of qBittorrent and every time the Last Activity has not been working. The only version I know where it works properly is 3.3.16 (the one I am using) and possibly the versions before that. It seems that when the versions got to 4, it stopped working.
Over the period of about 12 months I have tried the newer versions of qBittorrent and every time the Last Activity has not been working. The only version I know where it works properly is 3.3.16 (the one I am using) and possibly the versions before that. It seems that when the versions got to 4, it stopped working.
Can confirm. I guess only Mac version is fixed.
No, there is nothing strange about duplicate tagging. If you had bothered to really "read" https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/issues/8902#issuecomment-660516301 and not just "look at it", you'd understand. Here's a breakdown of what it means:
Original issue confirmed fixed in #8902 (comment).
The original issue was reported on macOS, and it was confirmed fixed by the original reporter.
Some other users then reported that the issue was still happening on Windows. But now this has become a separate issue, being discussed in the same thread as the other fixed issue. So it's best to tell users who are experiencing the issue on Windows to regroup on a more specific report, such as this one (emphasis mine):
Reports for similar issues on Windows superseded by #13150.
If a newer issue supersedes the previous one, it means the older one has become a duplicate of it.
If a newer issue supersedes the previous one, it means the older one has become a duplicate of it.
Lol. This is completely false, a "duplicate" is a copy of something that already exists. Therefore, a newer item is a duplicate of an older item. Look, my ability to read is more than fine, and if you want to try redefine the English language, then that's fine too, there is no need to condescend folk for gently pointing out an oddity. Perhaps you could even learn a thing, if you cared instead of being defensive.
Thank you.
Lol. This is completely false, a "duplicate" is a copy of something that already exists. Therefore, a newer item is a duplicate of an older item. Look, my ability to read is more than fine, and if you want to try redefine the English language, then that's fine too
Obtuse pedantry. In the context of an issue tracker, this is a perfectly valid, non-redefining use of the term "Duplicate" as a reason to close. Doesn't matter if they are not exactly the same, or which one came first. What matters is not having split discussions about the same things everywhere, and not discussing two or more separate issues under the same thread. Marking as duplicate by superseding is just another way of achieving this goal.
there is no need to condescend folk for gently pointing out an oddity. Perhaps you could even learn a thing, if you cared instead of being defensive.
You're acting as if you did not word your original comment (https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/issues/13150#issuecomment-660564288) in an offensive way. You thought you could be offensive with impunity? Talk shit, get hit. Or you didn't think the passive-aggressive snark in your comment could be detected from a mile away? Perhaps next time don't engage in conversations like that, if you can't take it after dishing it out.
You need to improve your reading comprehension skills and ability to learn from and own up to your mistakes.
Really, you need to calm down, perhaps take a walk in the sun. I clearly put a teasing emoji on my comment, I can assure you that my comment was not meant as passive aggression in anyway shape or form, but that is where your mindset is, defensive, you decided to take it that way, and then attack me to improve my comprehension?! Nope, you ought keep your own council, given your haste to dish out that kind of over the top comment.
Does this happen with both torrents added before the upgrade to a 4.x version and after?
Does this happen with both torrents added before the upgrade to a 4.x version and after?
For me it happens with both torrents added before 4.x and after.
qBittorrent 4.2.5 Windows 10 pro version 1909 I Can confirm this behavior. Restart of qBittorrent 4.2.5 without reboot of the machine - then it rembers "Last Activity" Whith Coldboot (complete reboot of the PC ) it does not rember.
Has nerver had other versions qBittorrent installed - used uTorrent for many years
Things have definitely improved over the last few versions. When the first leap from version 3.x to 4.x of qbt happened, both quitting and reopening the program, and rebooting the computer, had the same effect of clearing out the "last activity" column of data.
However, now it's only a reboot of the computer that causes the data loss. Exiting and re-opening qbt properly saves the activity column (yay!)
Good progress, but it'd be nice to have the v3.x feature of last activity column, to be saved forever for all torrents!
@FranciscoPombal All the versions that I have tried and do not work are the 4.x.x versions. Anything before that seems ok
This seems to be fixed in the current master
@jagannatharjun Nope.
Lastest master. Windows 10 1903.
Qt: 5.15.0
Boost: 1.73.0
OpenSSL: 1.1.1g
zlib: 1.2.11
If I understand this correctly & to put it more in to perspective.
Let's say I had a pc running 24/7 for 30 days with 30 seeding torrents.
On day 11 - I pause the 1st 10 torrents
On day 21 - I pause the 2nd 10 torrents
On day 31 - I pause the 3rd 10 torrents & exit qBittorrent.
I enjoy a brief holiday for 10 days. (leave system powered on)
On day 41 - I re-open qBittorrent & resume the torrents I expect the "last activity" for the 1st 10 torrents to display "last activity" ~30 Days/N hrs/N mins I expect the "last activity" for the 2nd 10 torrents to display "last activity" ~20 Days/N hrs/N mins I expect the "last activity" for the 3rd 10 torrents to display "last activity" ~10 Days/N hrs/N mins
I believe this does happen?!
Day 42, reboot pc manually or there's a power-cut Open qBittorrent "last activity" will display the infinity symbol for all torrents (if paused) "last activity" will display <1 min & will increase accordingly for active torrents infinity symbol will show indefinitely for torrents that are no longer actually active
ALL HISTORICAL "last activity" seems to be reset on system reboot
This still occurs with master commit: 84a9650
@railfrog50a Is this a correct assumption??
ref: #7774 & PR https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/pull/7480
Is this a correct assumption??
For me, yes.
Still having this problem as of 4.3.0, shows last activity only for <24 hours
hmm it seems qbittorrent also doesn't remember other statistics too, f.e on my private tracker a torrent shows 19.5 uploads and 36.21 downloads but qbittorent only shows 10.55 upload and 24.48 download. I'm downloading the torrent partially. Can anyone else confirm this @xavier2k6 ? I'm using the current master https://github.com/qbittorrent/qBittorrent/commit/4029f86c60f199dfee60e0ec8207790d27aeac97
@jagannatharjun I don't use private trackers.....any other way I can confirm?
Can anyone else confirm?
I use private trackers, but I haven't seen this, but then again, I'm not on the look out for this all the time, since I don't care that much about the statistics reported by qBittorrent. Then again, I never do partial downloads on private trackers.
I have encountred it using Windows—statistic of Last Activity
had been kept without disappearing during beyond a month, however right upon a startup after my Windows machine was cut off the electricity (by power switch upon computer power supply whereas system was being shut down) Last Activity
was erased from each and every torrent of a list.
I am not sure for I am no longer using Windows, however the possible cause may have been a "Fast Startup" feature of Windows 10 that does not entirely shutting down the system, but only partly:
Control Panel - Power Options - Choose what the power buttons do -
Change settings that are currently unavailable - Turn on fast startup (recommended)
If anyone may perform some tests to confirm this with aforementioned fature being turned off, the pretext may be found.
possible cause may have been a "Fast Startup" feature of Windows 10 that does not entirely shutting down the system
I've been thinking about this, I don't think it's an incorrect shut down but I believe the "last activity" is probably being calculated from the "System Boot Time"/"LastBootUpTime" which would make sense to me of why the "last activity" time looks to be lost/reset in a way in a "new session".
@FranciscoPombal @glassez What do you think?
Any update on this? It should be fairly simple to fix, no?
Still not working on
I can confirm that the last activity is still broken in version 4.4.4 (RC_1_2), I don´t know what is counted as last activity but within 12 hours of runtime 117 of my currently 370 seeding torrents got a value between 1 minute and nearly 12h hours but only 9 of the torrents had session upload, so only these 9 torrents should get a reset of the last activity time, I don´t know why the value of the other 108 torrents had changed. So even if the value would not reset after restarting the PC it would still show wrong values. I am on Windows 11 22H2 Build 22621.457 if this matters and qbittorrent was installed using the official installer.
after 24h 212 of my 370 seeding torrents had a value of between 1 minute and 24 hours in the column last activity only 12 of them had session upload and none of the 370 torrents had session download.
I was asked to investigate the problem and here some of my results:
On Linux fastresume file stores unix timestamp and works as intended. On Windows fastresume file stores the time elapsed since boot, for whatever reason, so it obviously breaks after every reboot.
I did not digged into source yet, but there is strong platform dependence happening.
@xavier2k6 I have found the root cause: https://github.com/arvidn/libtorrent/issues/7196