Aaron Lun

Results 162 comments of Aaron Lun

For **DropletUtils**: I have wanted to split the 10X-specific methods into a separate package, so as to avoid having to deal with the minutiae of keeping up with Cellranger. If...

Good enough for the time being, but it seems a bit fragile... better hope no one's working with NAs on neuraminidase.

I'll fix it, but I didn't think it would have any practical manifestations.

I'm not getting a validation error when I violate the parallelism: ```r library(SingleCellExperiment) example(SingleCellExperiment) # creates 'sce' with 200 rows int_elementMetadata(sce)

> However, I've found this approach to be slower than using a for-loop with pre-allocation (e.g. similar to the code already in the splitAltExps function): Well, yes, that's because you're...

bc220cab41b7112347dda5e094ebb2a9c987fb23 fixes the `split()` issue, so a hypothetical `splitByRow()` would be as easy as: ```r split(sce, rowData(sce)$variable) ```

Are you using the latest versions of all packages? Run `BiocManager::valid()` and check that you're not using packages from different Bioconductor releases. The error that you're seeing should not occur...

Perhaps you should run `BiocManager::valid()`, as I suggested, and show the output.

Your version of **scran** is out of date. The latest version is 1.18.7, see the [landing page](https://www.bioconductor.org/packages/release/bioc/html/scran.html). In fact, all your Bioconductor packages seem to be from the previous release,...