Jarosław Gawęda-Ścibior
Jarosław Gawęda-Ścibior
**Describe the bug** Added remote projects cannot be removed by Remove from O3DE and Delete this Project options either from the hamburger menu by the project tile nor by choosing...
## Describe the issue There is missing and deprecated information on the [Feature Samples](https://github.com/o3de/o3de-atom-sampleviewer/wiki/Feature-Samples) Feature-Samples wiki documentation page. Please note that the issue should be considered a Major. * [AreaLights](https://github.com/o3de/o3de-atom-sampleviewer/wiki/Feature-Samples#arealights)...
**Describe the bug** Asset Processor reports multiple failed assets after processing assets for AtomSampleViewer project built via CLI. Attempting to run the AtomSampleViewerStandalone after this will result in multiple errors...
## Describe the issue There are issues regarding deprecated image and a broken link in the [Camera Component](https://www.o3de.org/docs/user-guide/components/reference/camera/camera/) documentation page. * https://www.o3de.org/images/user-guide/components/reference/camera/camera-component.png - is deprecated. Current screenshot:  *...
## Describe the issue There are issues regarding broken links and spelling error on the [Atom Renderer Features](https://www.o3de.org/docs/atom-guide/features/) documentation page: * [Lighting section](https://www.o3de.org/docs/atom-guide/features/#lighting) - there are broken links: Diffuse Probe...