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Robust Stereo Visual Inertial Odometry for Fast Autonomous Flight

Results 8 msckf_vio issues
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I am trying to run msckf on WHUVID dataset with stereo+IMU, when running on the fast-speed dataset, there is drift in the beginning ,however then running on the low-speed dataset...

In the src/image_processor.cpp a **twoPointRansac** function is defined. In the source file, line 1019-1027 compensate the point in previous image with the rotation. The thing that really makes me confused...

Hello! I am wondering the definition of imu state orientation, whether it is from local frame to world frame or from world frame to local frame. I notice that the...

I used my camera and modified the launch related camera and IMU topic, but I am unable to access the ImageProcessor: stereoCallback function. How does the code access the callback...

Res sir, What is the minimum imu quality or imu type required for realtime control of robot can it work with imu used on smartphone. Thank you

I tried to run this code but got this error ![2024-05-13 23-05-00屏幕截图]( what is the reason for this?