I have done the test and use a healthy and unbaned prodinfo in a banned one (i know risk) so i generate a prodinfo from donnor It seems that it...
make incognito work until it's updated
My recomendación es con respecto al modo TV de UKIKU soy poseedor de un Fire TV Stick 2gen por lo que hablare con respecto a dicho dispositivo ### Mis sugerencias...
Can the spanish language be added to the tool
hello i check your browser and is a great job ,but save pass an logins is not aviable i make a small romfs overlay and this browser save the...
is a good idea not show the code, but me i ask for the nsp for run this program has a bacground servise in ams
* in the latest version 1.1.3 the download get stuck on 48% for hours and the firmware never get to download
* Este es un Error conocido que viene de la mano de atmophere y los cambios hechos en 19.0.0 , este retringe los nsp que no estan correctamente estructurados #...