Sven Bartscher
Sven Bartscher
We probably also need some utility functions to match on `BotEvent`s , so we can easily write event handlers and routers that only react to certain types of events. But...
Thanks for you feedback! I don't have the time right now to go over every comment in detail, but I do find them very helpful. Just to give you an...
I had not. At first glance it seems really promising. Though the lack of documentation worries me slightly. As for the state of this pull request, unless cofree-bot turns out...
> Can you leave your main control room and rejoin it by creating a DM with Heisenbridge? Yes, this seems to work for me. The way I tested was: 1....
I guess this would be quite risky to merge, without thoroughly testing the behavior on various clients. What do you think about hiding this behavior behind a per-user setting? That...
Hmm, actually there still seems to be some oddity when `rustic-default-clippy-arguments` is a buffer-local variable. It gets correctly picked up by `rustic-cargo-clippy` when run from a file buffer. But it...
I have some projects, where I set `rustic-default-clippy-arguments` in `.dir-locals.el` as follows: ``` $ cat .dir-locals.el ;;; Directory Local Variables ;;; For more information see (info "(emacs) Directory Variables") ((nil...
Oh, I just read your reply again and now I'm confused. You want me to revert the second commit, but you also say that e57139d4f97ad3800a7307688d4a09e5a3623e66 (which is the second commit)...
Ok, I see. I still experience problems with only ab8430055d1e3f683ab81f9f79699652c0ee2722. You should be able to reproduce them as follows. 1. Open a rust file in a project and run `M-x...
> I like this but is there a reason you bumped the min version? `disconnectSignalHandler` was introduced in haskell-gi-base-0.22.0.