Sven Bartscher
Sven Bartscher
I only recently started using grocy and grocy-docker. But I think I have a fair amount of experience with docker (and related technologies such as podman). I also have a...
Hi @jayaddison, my main concern is that our container names might clash with containers of completely unrelated applications. Note that container and pod names are not implicitly namespaced or prefixed...
@jayaddison, omitting the names seems reasonable, since most operations on the containers can (and in most cases should) be run on the pod, which will keep its name. I will...
I removed the container names.
> Rebuild package-lock.json automatically? I don't have much experience with javascript tools, but in other languages that use similar constructs, I found it most helpful to have the developer update...
I think this might be a nice solution that should work for a lot of cases on most (all?) platforms. But I think it might run into practical problems when...
I was recently asked on IRC to write town my use case for prefix installations, to provide insight what a potential solution to this issue would have to look like....
`--prefix` would collect all the dependencies (and their data file) and conveniently into one named directory. At the moment there is no `./licenses/` or `~/shared-libs` to conveniently `cp -a` from....
Thanks for the suggested workarounds. I will revisit which of them might actually be helpful or my concrete use case. However, I still think a proper fix for this (or...
@Mikolaj, no news. While I would love to have some time to work on this, I didn't get around to working on this since my last messages and I don't...