Sven Bartscher
Sven Bartscher
@bobafetthotmail `ethernet3@eth0` is, as you guessed, a DSA port. It means there's a port `ethernet3` that part of the physical switch `eth0`. It's a bit confusing, because when you refer...
This might become more relevant with profile rustflags (#10271), because the rustflags to set might be scpecific to the platform you're building for, e.g.: ``` [target.'cfg(target_arch="riscv64imac")'] rustflags = ["-C", "target-feature=+relax",...
Yes, that's what my current solution looks like. Nonetheless I think this would be a helper worth having in Hakyll.
I think the proposed solution would only solve the problem for sub-resources that have been declared through parameters of `::python`, but the problem would still occur when `::python::pyvenv` is declared...
> Just curious, what are you using this for? I'm building a multi-level navigation menu by iterating over `Item`s. Links in the navigation that link to the current site or...
I'm not too happy about `monad-control` either. I mostly included it, because `Control.Concurrent.Async.Lifted` needs it. Using the simple unllifted `Control.Concurrent.Async` would also be possible, but it would be kinda tedious...
After sleeping over this for a night, I definitely agree, that we should switch to UnliftIO.Async. It not only does the job, but it also doesn't promise to do things...
I just pushed a new commit. It streamlines the state keeping a bit and implements routing. The idea for state keeping is now, that the user can modify the base...
I just noticed that my current solution to state handling in the router is rather overcomplicated. I thought that I would need to squash all state of the user and...
I just pushed a new commit that replaces the previous state keeping in the router with `hoistRouter` that allows the user to manage their own transformer stack in the router....