Gopalakrishna Palem

Results 75 issues of Gopalakrishna Palem

Enables change-feed reconnection when the connection drops. - New `reconnect` options have been added that expose the `pingInterval` as well as connection reattempt controls Note that this reconnection is only...

Wondering why is this client-side stub needed ([here]( I removed that client side stub and seems like the app is working fine. Anything I am missing?

Own and Any are equivalent to "user" and "world" in the unix ABAC, missing the "group". Currently ownership verification is left out as responsibility of the application, which works fine...

feature request

Came across this project while searching for something similar and this looks interesting and useful. However, the license seems to be GPL. Wondering if you would be open for licensing...

Creating this issue to track the TODOs discussed here: - RBAC with domains model - Resource type other than Application in the Permissions ![image]( ![image]( These are required to...


The documentation says: > With [Casbin]( based authorization management, Casdoor supports ACL, RBAC, ABAC, RESTful accessing control models. But nowhere any information could be found how to validate a user...


Does the APISIX plugin takes "user roles" and resource access permissions into consideration while permitting access to a route in APISIX?


**Is your feature request related to a problem? Please describe.** Currently the configuration file is loaded from a config file, which is a good starting point. However, that would mean...

When a pubsub channel or hook is created, for example using something as below (from the documentation): ```` SETCHAN warehouse NEARBY fleet FENCE POINT 33.462 -112.268 6000 ```` one can...

Given that you have "closed" the discussion at I am forced to open this new one. While evaluating your database for clients, the license became one point that need...